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Find Your Place & It Will Nourish You |
"We are Divine enough to ask, and we are important enough to receive." ~Wayne Dyer
Phew...what a month it has been! Spring is showing me what rebirth is really all about, and it's not necessarily all sunshine and roses. I've been in a releasing and death phase for the past two years. Finally, the Phoenix is rising from the ashes of my former life. The stories I believed in are no longer valid, and I had to break my heart in order to regain my soul.
Last year was a test of human endurance, gaining confidence in myself, and trusting in the Divine.
As you may remember, I quit my full-time job to pursue my dream of running my own business. About the same time, my sons and I decided we were going to move out of Florida. The where and when were sort of up in the air, but April 2016 was our target month. So a tentative plan was set in motion. I sent tobacco prayers on the wind and prayed to the four directions that all works out for our highest good, and that the where and when would be shown to me over time.
I showed up, did some research, had some preliminary discussions with key players in my life, and watched the signs.
Then all of a sudden a series of life happenings seemed to derail the entire dream. One of my sons was arrested on conspiracy to sell and distribute a controlled substance. He worked in a shop that sold Hemp Oil, or so he thought. His mugshot was plastered all over the news. I was embarrassed. He was embarrassed and scared. But we vowed to stick together despite some people turning on him and thinking he was a drug dealer. He learned a lot. I learned a lot. Life is full of unexpected surprises.
Then my 7 year relationship began to fall apart. We tried to keep it together, and I love him deeply. Ultimately, our lifestyles are too different to be in it for the long haul. I'm a wanderer. He's not. He didn't want to move. I didn't want to stay. I learned a lot. He learned a lot. Love is weepy.
My other son was going to move in with my brother after his lease was up, (while we waited for his twin brother to finish his community service for his brush with the law). My brother seemed to have a lot of rules and requests that were unreasonable (in my humble opinion). My young blood decided against moving in. We both respect my brother for stating his needs, even if that wasn't what we wanted to hear.
Heartbroken. Now what?
My young blood decided to move out west. I decided to go with him with a minor adjustment to his plan. I wasn't going to ride my bike the whole way. Then his twin brother received word that he could do his community service out of state. He was able join us. All of this fell into place within two weeks and started a month after I chose the place...Albuquerque.
The Universe had heard my prayers and was conspiring with everything and everyone to make it happen, even the fact that April is when we're moving. Funny how that works, huh?
So the week of April 18th, I am packing up a truck with our minimal things, a snake, a cat, and a one young blood, and heading to Albuquerque, New Mexico. The other son will join us a few days later. It's a whirlwind of a move back to a place that nourishes my soul, and where my sons were born. It's an amazing kind of rebirth.
It has also been a great lesson for me in trusting Great Spirit. It, He, She is working for your highest good. All you have to do is pray and show up.
May the Divine work miracles in your life, too!