Wise Woman Alchemy

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to Spin a Web for your Business

A Soulful Business is like Spider's Web

I've been seeing a lot of spiders lately.
I've been thinking a lot about my business, too. 

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Secret to Knowing Your Worth

One of the things that I struggled with as a soul-o-preneur was not cringing every time I told a potential client the price of my offering. I've done everything from choking on my words, coming up with excuses, trying to convince the person that I'm worth it, and coming up with a payment plan without the potential client even asking for one.

Here's the secret: 
I didn't value myself, my knowledge, my experience, or my wisdom. Yep, it's that simple. I didn't think I was enough. I was playing small. Oooo...that even hurts writing it.

So, here's how I overcame playing small:

Monday, September 14, 2015

7 Simple Boundaries to Set in Your Soulful Biz

We all know those projects that seem to take all of your time and energy. They suck the joy right out of your Happy Place and replace it with complaining and deep sighs of disgust. Is this any way to live? I think not. What we need are boundaries! Just like with people, your biz needs boundaries, too.

Here are seven ways to create good business boundaries:

1. Set a time limit. Each day set a time limit for how long you're going to work on a particular project. We have limited time to get a lot done. What makes logical sense? An hour? Half day? Whatever time you set, the project will fill that space, so make the space as small as possible.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Three Ways to Survive a Business or Life Screw-up

Okay...I fucked up! Not hugely, but I'm really disappointed in myself for this screw up. I priced one of my books $5.00 less than the lowest possible price for which it can be manufactured.  It's my fault. I've been in publishing for more than 20 years and I messed up. I help others create books and businesses, but I entered something incorrectly and didn't see my mistake in time. Uh yeah, not good business there. So, I could beat myself up over this or hide in the background licking my wounds, but here's what I did instead: