Wise Woman Alchemy

Thursday, January 28, 2016

4 Things a Soulful Business Owner Needs to Do to Be Seen

by Deborah Globus
4 Things A Soulful Business Owner Needs to Do to Be Seen

When you’re a small, heart-centered business owner – a soul-o-preneur as Heather calls us – it’s absolutely vital to the success of your business that you get yourself out there and “get seen.”  This is what is behind the whole “you are your brand and your brand is you” idea. 
It is challenging since many of us tend to be tenderhearted, service-oriented, humble and full of integrity.  Marketing in the usual way is tough, so here are some do’s as you explore ways of being seen that work for you and your business.

So what’s a tenderhearted soul-o-preneur to do?

Do add armor
If you’re an introvert, a highly sensitive person, or have a little social anxiety, then having too much energy in your space is difficult.  Whatever the reason, you don’t have to go out there unprotected. What you need is to consciously choose to protect your heart so it doesn’t  sabotage your work.
A simple solution is to put up “warders” – a bubble of energetic protection around yourself.  Envelope yourself in white light.  Putting up a warder keeps other peoples’ energies from encroaching on you, while still allowing your energy to pass out to connect with others.
Do your Soul work
There are reasons for your fear and hesitation, and chances are you’ll find the roots of those reasons in your past.  These painful episodes and associations need to be worked through, disempowered – gently but firmly.  It’s a long road and a lot of work and time, but as a soul-based business owner it is a must.
You see, your life and your business are intimately entwined.  When you’re hurting in your life, you’re hurting in your business.  I know it’s a pain, but fighting it just wastes more energy.  Put that energy into healing your past.
Journal, do rituals (http://www.lapadre.com/blog/letting-go-of-the-past-a-ritual) talk to a therapist.  Whatever works for you – just make sure you’re making time to do that work.
Do practice
It’s obvious.  It’s annoying.  And it’s the one thing I tend to forget. Being seen takes practice.  It takes practice to do it.  It takes practice to remember to do it.  It takes practice to get comfortable with it. 
Practice takes time. So. Much. Time.  Put in your time, and it’ll get easier.  Put in the time, and you’ll begin to recognize your own patterns, as well as your personal do’s and don’ts. Put in the time, and then put in some more.
Do create a talisman
A talisman is a physical object imbued with spiritual meaning.  Take an everyday object, like a necklace, and turn it into a protective talisman simply by repeating a mantra every time you put it on and take it off.  “It is safe to be seen.”
My own talisman for protection is a quartz crystal, a gift from a dear friend who does wonderful things for my self-esteem.  When I wear the necklace it hangs over my heart, shielding it.  I wear it when I’m in social situations where I might feel judged or misunderstood. 
It reminds me that I am accepted and understood in many places in my life. This gives me the hope that I can do the same in any new situation.  (And if I can’t, it doesn’t matter because even if these folks don’t get me – others do.  There’s a whole lot of breathing room in that realization.)
If you’d like to make a really powerful talisman for being seen, you can make one with me on the night of February 4th. I’ll be hosting a virtual Boast in honor of Imbolc.  The Boast itself is a fabulous way to practice being seen in a safe and strongly-held environment.  To learn more and to sign up for this free ritual, click here. (http://www.lapadre.com/blog/the-practice-of-being-seen-and-the-art-of-the-boast


1 comment:

  1. Great post Deborah and Heather! The practice reminder is SO good I love the 'it's okay to be seen" talisman idea.
