Wise Woman Alchemy

Thursday, July 14, 2016

6 Ways to Live a Life of Abundance

The Vision of an Ideal Life

 When I was in my 20s, I had a vision of being a stay-at-home Mom, where I would spend afternoons with the kids, make healthy meals for the family, tend a garden where most of our produce came from, and hang the laundry on the line to capture the soft breeze that blew over the meadow.

Idyllic, right? It didn't happen that way at all. Life rarely works out the way you envision. Don't get me wrong! There is nothing wrong with dreaming, but to get caught up in the details of this ideal future is an effort in futility. It also drags us down, creates stress, evokes anger and frustration, and keeps us stuck.

So, what do you do when you want a simple life with all the juicy details? Here is what I have discovered:

Monday, July 11, 2016

Love Note #14

It's been a rough couple of months...years...decades...centuries! Is it true that we, as a society are inherently violent? Are we in a violent time? You would think so because we're living through it. However, historically speaking this is the least violent time in history.

That someone, anyone would be targeted as less-worthy because of the color of his or her skin, sexual orientation or religious beliefs, does not click with my mind, heart, or soul. As a white woman, who has been profiled to be every possible religion, race, color, and sexual orientation...I know what it is like to be different. I've never understood it, but I have felt it.

Are we that afraid of differences? Have we always been afraid of differences?

Let's look to the children. They don't see skin color, religion, or gender. They see another human being, a life that they want to get to know. Therefore, we are taught hatred, and it is up to each of us to cull this hatred from our lives and replace it with love.

Maya Angelou said, "Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."

I've cried a thousand tears over the senseless deaths throughout my life, (from 9/11 to Sandy Hook and the Indigenous mass killings to Black men being shot for just "being." None of these affected me directly, but affected me none-the-less. I have to clear the negative energy from my Being—Every, Single, Time!

It's time we look at the wo-man in the mirror and ask..."Is there hatred and violence in my life?" and "Where do I need to show more Compassion, Empathy, and Love?" When I asked these questions of myself, my answer was, "No way! I'm a person of peace and understanding. I'm not filled with hate."

But then...

...I really looked deep. I have walked across the street to avoid a Black Man coming toward me, instead of walking by and saying "Hello." I have watched violence on TV and in the movies, because it's only make-believe, right? I have a burning hatred for those who spout hatred and racism. But am I in the right? I have bashed another person's religion because they bashed my own beliefs. Does that make me right?

The problems we face as a society are systemic. However, each of us, as individuals, has to be mindful and willing to look in the mirror and really examine our life. How are you adding to the growing problems in our society?

If we are more mindful and loving toward one another, perhaps we can get some momentum going and change the systems. What do you think?

How will you be more mindful of the hatred that creeps into your life? Tell me in the comments below.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pass the Story


I just received the proof for Pass the Story! A dream that started almost three years ago has come to fruition. Cheers to "Wo-manifesting!" I wanted to share a little bit of its history, and of course, a story!

Several years ago, I was sitting around a campfire with a group of women I didn't know. Quite frankly, I had very little regard for women. I thought all of them were bat-shit crazy, backstabbing bitches, including myself. None of us was good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, or beautiful enough. WE weren't enough...period...end of discussion. These were my experiences, my words, and my story. All of our stories become filters through which we see reality.

Friday, July 8, 2016

6 Secrets About Climbing that Mountain

"Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life." ~Eckhart Tolle

Hello Beautiful,
After the last post, I want to thank everyone who reached out. You made me feel loved and accepted exactly where I was.

The reason I wrote my story was because too often, especially with social media, we're bombarded with perfect scenarios and everyone else's life seems to be way better than our own. Well, I just wanted to point out that it just isn't true. We all go through the ringer a time or two in our lives.

I was actually not going to post anymore. Then, all week I kept hearing (from many different sources) "Don't quit before the miracle."

Well, I just got back from a seven-mile walk to the post office. There is nothing like a good walk in the fresh air to get clear on what needs to be said.

On my seven-mile walk, the first half was downhill. Perfect, I got to look around, take in the scenery, listen to the birds, and hoof it down the mountain. It was Beautiful! I made it there in 20 minutes. There was a breeze, shade, and no problems. Life is like that sometimes.

But then...

Friday, June 17, 2016

Book Review: Henrietta the Dragon Slayer

Henrietta the Dragon Slayer is filled with action and intrigue!

 One thing I really love to do is help other writers and entrepreneurs reach their dreams. Recently, I had the chance to read Beth Barany's Henrietta the Dragon Slayer.

What a wonderful story and cast of characters! Beth weaves the story through a fantasy world where the main character has slayed dragons and has seen her fair share of war for such a young woman.

     As Henrietta stumbles out of a tavern after hearing tales of her heroics, she meets a pushy knight named Franc, who insists that she return with him to the Islands of Oro to face the Emerald Dragon, Mimoto. However, Henrietta has other plans when she hears that her master has fallen ill and only the Dragon’s Dracontias stone can save him.

     Henrietta is a strong female role model who is on her hero’s quest with some unexpected and unlikely traveling companions. The young witch, Paulette, adds personality and innocence to the band. The pushy Knight, Franc, is stoic and harsh, yet finds his compassion in this quest. The Jester, Jaxter adds comic relief and helps blend all of the characters’ personalities. Beth creates a story of intrigue. The book is an action-packed fantasy with moments of real human emotions and turmoil. I adore Henrietta’s no nonsense, warrior ways. She has a sharp tongue and attitude befitting her legendary status as a dragon slayer.

    Henrietta the Dragon Slayer flows and is easy-to-read. You won’t find offensive language or sexual content, though there is some mild violence that stirs the action, but no overwhelming details. Throughout you’ll hear Henrietta mention in thought and deed that she is tired of killing. Beth’s fantasy world is detailed to the point that you can picture yourself in the tale, the mark of a good fantasy writer, yet she doesn’t get the reader mired down in too much fluff.

     As far as young girl fantasies goes, this is a GREAT read! Super-empowering for females of all ages. Perfect for your summer reading list! I can’t wait to read book 2: Henrietta and the Dragon Stone!

What are you reading this summer? Tell us in the comments below.

About Beth Barany
Award winning author, Beth Barany writes in two genres: young adult adventure fantasy and romantic fantasy. Inspired by living abroad in France and Quebec, she loves creating magical tales of romantic adventure to empower women and girls to jump into life with both feet and be the heroes in their own lives.
     In her off hours, Beth enjoys walking her neighborhood, gardening on her patio, and watching movies and traveling with her husband, author Ezra Barany. They live in Oakland, California with their cat named Leo, a piano, and over 1,000 books.
When not writing or playing, Beth runs her own company helping novelists as a book midwife, coach, and teacher to help them write, market, and publish their books.

PS. This is not an affiliate link. I just really loved the book.

Friday, June 10, 2016

It's Always a Good Day When...

"Do what you LOVE, LOVE what you do."

Polar Bear's Magic by Tracy Whichard    What's your magic?

I absolutely LOVE that statement, because it sums up how I feel about my work in the world. As a book and website designer for Artists, Authors, Healers, and Magic Makers, I get to meet some amazing people.

This week, I'd like to introduce you to Tracy Morgan Whichard! She is a newly published author.

Tracy came to me with big dreams of publishing a children's book. In her words, "I didn't have a clue what I was doing." I helped her write the story and then designed the book for her. We walked hand-in-hand and step-by-step through the entire publishing process.

Tracy is now a published author!

Her book Polar Bear's Magic is available on Amazon!

Come on an adventure with Polar Bear to discover the magic of each animal from Owl to Buffalo and Seagull to Honeybee. Polar Bear learns that there are no mistakes and that everyone has a different kind of magic.
  • Whimsical and fun illustrations
  • Perfect bedtime story
  • Great for beginning readers
  • Repetitious sounds
  • Adorable animal characters

  • What's your magic?
    Join me in throwing the confetti and having a virtual glass of champagne by leaving a comment and congratulations for Tracy below! Woohoo!!!!

    About Tracy:
    Tracy is an experienced mixed media artist and the founder of Ladybug Studio and Fearless Girl Art (art expression for kids), "I feel compelled to share my passion for art, animals, and nature through creativity, intuition, and self-expression."  Tracy encourages children (adults, too) to believe in themselves through a sense of "wide-eyed" magic and wonder. She is constantly dreaming of ways to make art fun for all ages. "I believe the need for laughter and humor is a must!"

    Thursday, June 9, 2016

    Face-to-Face with YOU

    "Fear keeps us focused on the past and worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

    Porcupine brings a sense of joy and curiosity to bring you out of the muck of grief.
    Engage Porcupine Medicine to help you stay afloat through troubled waters.

    When I lived on a farm in Kentucky many years ago, we had a cistern for our water needs. About once a month or so, we had to put a stick into the cistern to see how much water we had left. There were various measurements on the stick to determine the amount of water in the cistern.

    In the last month, I did a test on myself and found that my Energy Cistern was running on low or very low, which invited a big bunch of Fear to come visit me. It was the general sticky like Velcro kind of Fear. I worried. I had anxiety. I couldn't sleep. I was in full-blown panic mode. Two weeks ago, my warrior-Self was ready to do battle with this monster. It was almost an obsession to "get to the bottom of why I was feeling these feelings." That's a lot of "doing" and not a lot of "being." Sitting with Fear is no joke. Luckily my intuition stepped in and made me realize that I had to get very clear on what is real and true for me in this moment.