5 Things I Learned from the Money-Makers. Buffalo = Abundance |
Lately, I have been seeing an over-abundance of promises on the Web on how someone doubled their income, quit their full-time job to blog, made 5-figures in one month blogging, or doubled their page views in two days? I've been wondering: If there are so many people doing this, what am I doing wrong? And not just that, but if there are so many people making that much money, why is everyone still living paycheck to paycheck, or hoping someone buys their product so they can eat next month, or taking all of these classes about making more money or growing your email list. Why isn't it happening for everyone across the board?
Alright I admit, I've clicked on a lot of these promises and taken a boatload of classes. Hell, I want to make 5 figures in one month. There is a lot of good I could do in the world with that kind of moola. However, what I've found in reading their information is nothing. They skirt around the subject, but don't really tell you how they did it or the formulas for "success" didn't work for my business. I don't want to be a Negative Nellie or project anything on anyone, but I'm a bit skeptical. The business owners who are actually making that kind of money aren't telling everyone that they're making that kind of money, even if they are business coaches! Just sayin'.
I'm beginning to think that it's a numbers game, "I have the latest get rich quick scheme." Is it all about the money or the people you serve? Can it be both? I want more real and honest communication around business, especially from a soulful perspective...or am I the only one?
So, here's what I've learned from the money-makers: