Wise Woman Alchemy

Thursday, February 18, 2016

10 Simple Ways to Add Ease & Joy in Your Biz

Why do you need ease and joy in your business? 
It reduces stress, keeps you from getting overwhelmed and worrying about only the small details.

  1. Write down anything that is in your head. Keep it all in one place.
  2. Keep your calendar up-to-date.
  3. Make sure you inbox is completely clear by the end of the day. Use a "Follow-up" folder for emails you don't want to deal with right away.
  4. Take a break regularly throughout the day.
  5. Set good boundaries on your time.
  6. Your business is a way for you to give your gifts, talents, and love away daily.
  7. Simplify. Get rid of anything or tweaking those things that aren't useful, beautiful, loving, or joyful. Automate anything and everything that you can.
  8. Invest in yourself. You are your best business assets.
  9. Play. Have a childlike curiosity about everything going on in your business.
  10. Surround yourself with the people who empower, honor, and support you. You are the average of the five people who you hangout with daily.

Less Clutter = More Ease, Joy, and Flow in your Business! 

How do you find ease and joy in your business (and life)? Tell me in the comments below. Curious minds want to know.


  1. Yes... the things I need most to do on this list is take regular breaks to move and get some fresh air.

    I love your vlog! I love seeing and hearing you. It's almost like having you sitting on my shoulder reminding me to take care of me! :)

    1. I'm so glad you're liking the video, Jill. I'm learning to use my voice. It gets a little easier each time. And yes, breaks are super-important if you want to stay in the flow of ease and joy.

  2. love this list....
    when I think about ease and joy in my buisness I think pray...there is alot of prayer lifted around my buisness and sacred space
    it really invites me into the ebb and flow and that allows me to feel the ease...and in ease I feel joy!!!

    love and light

    1. You are so right Cat! Prayer in whatever form is an integral part of a business that has ease, joy, and flow! Thank you for adding that!
