Wise Woman Alchemy

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Secret to Knowing Your Worth

One of the things that I struggled with as a soul-o-preneur was not cringing every time I told a potential client the price of my offering. I've done everything from choking on my words, coming up with excuses, trying to convince the person that I'm worth it, and coming up with a payment plan without the potential client even asking for one.

Here's the secret: 
I didn't value myself, my knowledge, my experience, or my wisdom. Yep, it's that simple. I didn't think I was enough. I was playing small. Oooo...that even hurts writing it.

So, here's how I overcame playing small:

I came up with three different packages and price points. I told my potential client these packages, but I didn't tell her the price...at first. The client got very excited about the most expensive one. After a bit more talking, I told her my fees and bit my tongue. I didn't come up with excuses, choke on my words, or come up with a payment plan. And she said yes without batting an eye. Lesson learned!

That's when I realized. It's my job to show up, know my value and worth, but let others decide if they want it bad enough. And you can too! If you're having trouble with your value or pricing your work, come on over to the Wise Woman Society and let us share our wisdom and help support you and your business.

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