Wise Woman Alchemy

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Three Ways to Survive a Business or Life Screw-up

Okay...I fucked up! Not hugely, but I'm really disappointed in myself for this screw up. I priced one of my books $5.00 less than the lowest possible price for which it can be manufactured.  It's my fault. I've been in publishing for more than 20 years and I messed up. I help others create books and businesses, but I entered something incorrectly and didn't see my mistake in time. Uh yeah, not good business there. So, I could beat myself up over this or hide in the background licking my wounds, but here's what I did instead:

  1. Gratitude. I created a new system for book prepping, made a note for my next books not to price them until they have been uploaded and gone through the pricing calculator. Then, I'll open the book up for pre-orders. Lesson learned! Thank you, Universe for providing this valuable piece of knowledge.
  2. Own it. I took it to my tribe and admitted my boo-boo. I'm honoring the original price on all pre-orders, but the regular price will be higher. As scary as it was to hit enter, believe me I waited 24 hours and held my breath, it was more important for me to hold my integrity then it was to be angry or embarrassed.Truthfully, I was completely held by my tribe. Thank you!
  3. Take a bath. I started some negative self-talk, but promptly put the kibosh on that and went to take a bath instead. Mmmmm...warm water, candles, and the scent of chamomile and lavender wafting through the room. I felt better.
Here's the thing:  I survived. I'm embarrassed, but I'm still here and still moving forward. Anything that sets your business or life back can be overcome, and the lesson can be learned. Admit your mistake, make it right, and go take a bath.

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